Rob Hall
Musician & Composer

Clarinettist & SAXOPHONIST

The Music Workshop (Scotland)

Safety Code & Data

Online Learning - safety code

For online Face to Face sessions and Video Recording submissions students should be in a public space in their home (i.e. music room, living room or study), be properly dressed, with a neutral background in the camera frame if possible. Any inappropriate behaviour during an online class will elicit a warning to the student/parent/guardian followed by a dismissal from the class if the behaviour persists. Refunds cannot be guaranteed in this event. For under 16's we require a parent or guardian to give consent to online classes and to be on hand or nearby during the class.

Extra safety measures (during pandemic)

The Music Workshop prioritises the safety and health of both students and parents/guardians and is following government guidelines. Before the commencement of studies students and parents/guardians will be advised, according to age and instrument of the participants, and to class numbers, as to the safest format of teaching and learning at the time and therafter updated on an ongoing basis as the situation develops and changes. Students should use their own equipment and not share with anyone else with the exception of pianists (the piano keys will be cleansed with a quick drying disinfectant between usage).

Parents/guardians may drop off students and are requested to wait outside or in their vehicle during lessons. Face masks, where possible, are advised for anyone over 12 yrs entering the building. If the student, or anyone within the student's own household develops symptoms or is feeling unwell they should let us know and not enter the building.


The Music Workshop will store contact details for students or their parents/guardians only (address, telephone, email) for the duration of the study period, and for a duration of up to 4 weeks following stoppage of studies. Data is not used for any other purpose such as marketing and is not passed to any other party. Prior consent will be sought for any use of recordings, photos or videos which include students.

Workshop Terms Safety Code & Data